Registration for the 24-25 School Year Thursday August 8th, 11am-6pm & Friday August 9th, 8am-4pm

Kia Gelinas

6th Grade Social Studies



Social Studies

Hi my name is Kia Gelinas (Ms. G) and I was born and raised in Denver Colorado. I went to college in Dubuque, Iowa at Emmaus College, and got my bachelors degree in secondary education with an emphasis in history & psychology. After college, I decided to move to Florida for a bit as I worked in Insurance, and then shortly after moved back to Colorado to complete my student teaching. This is my first year teaching, and I am so excited to teach and learn with your students!!! History is one of my passions, so to be working with kiddos as we explore social studies together is exciting. I am someone who loves to explore new things, play sports, and I’m a huge foodie at heart.