Category: Featured News

Soccer and Baseball Tryouts Dates

Hello Merrill families, the following are the dates for Soccer and Baseball Tryouts. We must have a Google form and a physical for your student in order for them to try out. Girls Soccer- April 20th & 21st   3:00pm-4:30pm Baseball- April 21st &... Continue Reading

Soccer and Baseball Sign Ups!

Please click on the links below to sign up for Spring sports! GIRLS SOCCER STUDENT SIGNUP FORM BOYS SOCCER STUDENT SIGNUP FORM BASEBALL STUDENT SIGNUP FORM... Continue Reading

Updated CMAS Schedule

Merrill Jaguars, This is the calendar for students who are taking CMAS. If your student is opted-out of CMAS, they will be following the normal 9am-2pm schedule. If your student is taking CMAS and is remote only, they will need to be in the Merrill building from 8am-2pm on Friday,... Continue Reading

Schedule Change (beginning 4/6)

Hello Merrill families! We are so excited to welcome both A and B cohorts back to the building. Because students will be transitioning to classrooms, we have made minor adjustments to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade schedules:... Continue Reading

Flag Football & Volleyball Games Week of 4/5

Welcome back Jaguars!!!! Below is the list of sports games this week: Flag Football – Masks at all times for fans, and must stay 10 feet away from students. 4/6 Merrill vs. Morey @ Merrill 4:00pm 4/8 Merrill vs. Grant Ranch @ Grant Ranch 4:00pm 4/9 Merrill vs.... Continue Reading

CMAS & In-Person Changes

Greetings Jaguar Families,  We want to keep you informed of up to the minute changes we are making to increase in person learning opportunities for students.  We are thrilled to announce that we will be able to welcome all in person students back to the building on April 6th. ... Continue Reading

**Sports Update** (Volleyball & Flag Football

Great news Jaguars! Both Volleyball and Flag Football were approved by DPS. The season dates are March 4th -April 9th. There will be ONE team for each sport, but all grades can try out! Tryouts for both sports will be held on: Thursday,... Continue Reading

*CMAS Update*

2/19/2021 Dear Merrill families: We will begin the Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) assessments on 3/22/2021  These Assessments are aligned to the Colorado Academic Standards, which are statewide expectations of what students should know and be able to do at the end of each grade.... Continue Reading

Conferences Sign Ups

6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade Electives Sign Up... Continue Reading

Parent Meeting For in-person students (Watch Here)

Please watch the video above if you missed out parent meeting for in-person learning on Tuesday, 01/19/2021!... Continue Reading
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