Wishing you all a happy winter break from December 22nd to January 6th. Students will return to Merrill on January 7th.

Category: Featured News

Merrill Sports Sign Up

Hello Jaguars! Please fill out the forms below for any student who is interested in trying out for either girls softball or boys soccer: Boys soccer Girls Softball Cross Country Tryout dates will be provided at a later date.... Continue Reading

Bell Schedules

Start and end times will be the same for 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Start time: 8:45pm End time: 3:45pm... Continue Reading

In-person Registration

We are so excited to welcome all students back for in-person learning beginning August 23rd for 6th grade, August 24th for 6th & 7th, and August 25th for all grades! Denver Public School’s online registration is open now through August 16th.... Continue Reading

Continuation Speeches

Congratulations 8th Graders! Please have a safe and fun summer. Click this link to see your continuation speeches! -Merrill Leadership ____________________________________ ¡Felicitaciones estudiantes de octavo grado! Por favor, tengan un verano divertido y seguro. ¡Haga clic en este enlace para ver sus discursos de continuación!... Continue Reading

8th Grade Continuation

8th Graders! Jaguars!!! We Made It!!!! Continuation 2021 is here!!! Please see the map above that shows  the flow for the continuation parade. Here are some important things to keep in mind.  Please adhere to the social distancing guidelines, and have masks on. The parade will begin at the corner of Iowa and Steele. ... Continue Reading

2021-2022 Electives and Enrichment Descriptions

Hello Merrill Families! We are so excited for your to spend some time learning about our Electives and Enrichments for next year! Please view the course descriptions and videos here, and view the enrichment courses here. ... Continue Reading

Change to tryout dates

Due to weather, field conditions and the need to have more students signed up for both Boys soccer and Girls soccer we will be moving all tryouts to next week. Girls Soccer – 26th and 27th 3-4:30pm Boys Soccer – 29th and 30th 3-4:30pm Baseball – 27th and 28th 3-4:30pm Please contact vincent_franklin@dpsk12.org Debido al clima,... Continue Reading

Soccer and Baseball Tryouts Dates

Hello Merrill families, the following are the dates for Soccer and Baseball Tryouts. We must have a Google form and a physical for your student in order for them to try out. Girls Soccer- April 20th & 21st   3:00pm-4:30pm Baseball- April 21st &... Continue Reading

Soccer and Baseball Sign Ups!

Please click on the links below to sign up for Spring sports! GIRLS SOCCER STUDENT SIGNUP FORM BOYS SOCCER STUDENT SIGNUP FORM BASEBALL STUDENT SIGNUP FORM... Continue Reading

Updated CMAS Schedule

Merrill Jaguars, This is the calendar for students who are taking CMAS. If your student is opted-out of CMAS, they will be following the normal 9am-2pm schedule. If your student is taking CMAS and is remote only, they will need to be in the Merrill building from 8am-2pm on Friday,... Continue Reading
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