
Picture of Merrill circa 1953 Then and Now

Merrill Junior High School opened in 1953 in what is now referred to as the Cory-Merrill neighborhood. The evolution of Merrill…

It was named for Louise A. Merrill. At the opening celebration the dedication program said that she was an individual who “was recognized in Denver as one of the educational leaders of the city”.

Within a few years of opening, an addition was made on the school and that is the building that is in full use today. The school has gone from being a junior high to a middle school. And in 2012 it became a shared campus with Creativity Challenge Community C3 Elementary.

Memories that have been collected and saved over the years are shared below.

1953 – Merrill opens

Dedication Ceremony Program

Correspondence in the forms of handwritten letters, typed notes, and telegraphs from all over arrived congratulating the new school on opening and sharing praise for the school’s namesake, Louise A. Merrill.

Merrill Dedication Song 1953 Merrill Opening Dedication Song

Additional telegraphs sent to honor the opening of the school

1953 telegraphs for Merrill's opening



