Enrichment Courses

Merrill Middle School strongly believes in giving students opportunities to explore passions and extend their thinking.

Merrill Enrichments allows students to take classes that interest them or a learn more about a certain topic. Enrichments are part of the school day from 3:20-3:50. Students will have 4 enrichments per year, unless they are selected for Student Council or BSA, which are semester-long enrichments. 

If 8th grade students do not have STEAM as an elective next year, they will need to take a semester-long STEM enrichment course to meet district requirements.

Animated Movies

Come and join your peers as we watch animated movies of the last decade. We will watch and discuss the theme, characters, and life lessons that are being presented with each move.

Advanced Math Challenge

Sharpen our minds by solving advanced and challenging math problems.

All Things 90s!

We will explore history, pop culture, fashion, music and the enrichment will culminate with a 90s film.


Students will research colleges, this will include location, class offerings, extracurricular programs they offer, tuition cost, athletics, and housing. Students will then write a letter to the college they researched. Students will also do a career quiz and look into different careers within their interest areas.


Are you interested in all things basketball?! Join basketball enrichment to explore strategy, teamwork, iconic basketball films, and the rules of the game. We will of course get in the gym and build your own skills like shooting form, ball handling, offensive moves, and defensive principles.

Black Student Alliance

This Enrichment is for Black identifying individuals here at Merrill. Together as a class/community we will discuss our experiences, lifestyle, and culture. We will also explore important historical events & important leaders who have made an impact on our community and world. We as a BSA strive to uphold excellence in and out of class, so we will form accountability groups, to ensure that we are being leaders within our school! This is a safe space to come learn & express yourself openly!

Board Games Teamwork / Collaboration

Bring your own sense of fun and competitive spirit to this Board Game enrichment! We will learn to work collaboratively and as a team, through a variety of objectives.

Book to Film Comparison

We will compare scenes from famous books and their film adaptations, discuss them, and decide which one is preferred and why.

Calm and Quiet Artistry

In Calm and Quiet Artistry, we open the art room to all things creative and art-related. From fine arts, to writing elements, building and puzzle-making. It is a place where the students can pursue wonderings and questions, while learning to make and create with the creative mind. We keep a quiet and calm studio for students to be able to better engage in the work, and decompress from the day.

Craft Corner

At craft corner creativity thrives, and every project is a celebration of imagination. Come try craft corner where you research and plan all of your own crafts!

Creative Outreach

Our main goal is to disconnect from computers and use our time for creativity which includes watercolor, clay, bracelets, sidewalk chalk, mini-competitions, drawing time, and more. We’ll also work to build community connections with our artwork through random acts of kindness, activism, and community outreach. Students will work each quarter around a different theme they help decide.


Any level of yarn artists are welcome, whether you have never picked up a crochet hook and want to learn, or you are ready to start making your own clothes. Students will be shown the basics of crochet stitches, and be able to leave class with a project like their own hat, scarf, or blankets.

DIY Workshop

Embark on an adventure in craftsmanship. Students will delve into diverse projects from restoring small furniture to basic construction. Utilizing power tools and methods effectively, as well as learning safety protocols, this class will challenge students to create aesthetically pleasing, yet, functional works of art.

Get to Know Your Merrill Community

In this class we will better get to know the vast array of enrichments, opportunties and even people at Merrill by hosting weekly information sessions about school clubs and the topics that they encompass as well as inviting guests to come in and spend time with our Merrill community. If you want to know more about Merrill this is the enrichment for you!

Homework / Study Hall

Homework Club/Study Hall provides students extra time to complete any school work or class assignments.

Latino American Culture: Traditional Games and Activities

You will learn about The Latino American Culture while you play traditional games.

Library Aide

Students will be working to help the Merrill library to stay in excellent working condition by re-shelving books, checking out books to students, etc. Students will learn how to handle very skills needed to work in the library!


Students will explore and learn about the exciting craft of Origami. Origami is more than just paper folding. It builds and maintains important skills related to concentration and hand-eye coordination. Not only that, Origami also benefits mental health and mindfulness. Not to mention the fact that Origami techniques have been used in engineering to develop everything from airbags to meta-materials. Origami is fun, healthy and useful!

Pickup Soccer

In pickup soccer we will head outside, pick teams, and play fun and friendly soccer scrimmages. When it’s too cold, we will stay inside and watch soccer games on the smartboard together, talk soccer strategy, and debate who the best players and teams are.


Do you enjoy puzzles? If yes, come relax and experience a variety of puzzle options such as Jigsaw (1500 pieces), Crosswords, Wordle, and logic. Choose your puzzle fun.

Video Editing and Social Impact

We will discuss the impact video editing has on social media to better understand how false information can be presented as accurate. Students then develop their editing skills using school appropriate technology to create positive and uplifting content for Merrill Students.

Sports Broadcasting

Students will do play by play and color commentating on sports highlights.

Student Council

The Merrill Student Council is looking for energetic, creative, and responsible people who want to develop their skills as leaders and effect positive change in our school. Merrill StuCo is an organization conducted by students and supervised by Mrs.Cleveland during the Enrichment period. Our student council aims to allow students to develop leadership skills by organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects.

In the past, Merrill StuCo has been responsible for planning school dances, the annual Talent Show, school fundraisers, Spirit Week, Award Assembly Videos, and much more!

To participate in Student Council, you will have to keep in good standing with both your academic and behavioral responsibilities as well as be active in all council-sponsored events. Please carefully consider these things before applying. Any student that is interested in leadership, organizational behavior, event planning, or becoming more involved in the school is welcome to apply!


Come relieve your stress or just join for fun to make watercolor crafts that will be displayed around the school!