Wishing you all a happy winter break from December 22nd to January 6th. Students will return to Merrill on January 7th.

Girls Soccer and Boys Baseball Registration/Tryouts Soccer – 3/6 & 3/8 Baseball 3/7 & 3/9

Posted February 13, 2023

Baseball and Girl’s Soccer Registration is Now Open

Student Registration for Baseball and Girls Soccer is now open. If your student is interested in trying out please complete the form below. Also, your student must have a up to date physical on file.

Link to sports schedules

Tryouts – Girls Soccer – March 6th and March 8th

Tryouts – Baseball – March 7th and March 9th

Soccer Coach Kirk Heath

Coach Vince Franklin vincent_franklin@dpsk12.net

Please send all athletic questions to vincent_franklin@dpsk12.net or call 720.424.0621