Wishing you all a happy winter break from December 22nd to January 6th. Students will return to Merrill on January 7th.

Registration Communication

Posted August 9, 2022

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Hello Merrill Families,

We hope that you and your family had a wonderful summer break. Merrill’s teachers, leadership, and all staff are excited for the 2022-2023 school year. All Merrill families, new and returning, will need to register their students for the upcoming year, which can be done online or in person. Click this link to find out more about what is required for registration.

All families, regardless of if your student will eat lunch from the cafeteria, will need to complete their lunch application. This is very important for Merrill. Through this completed application, we receive funding for our school. Below is the link to use for lunch applications-https://www.myschoolapps.com/Application. If you need to sign-up for a my school account please use this link-https://www.myschoolapps.com/ 

Online Registration-

Please use this link to register your student for the 22-23 school year-


You do not need to attend the in-person registration if you have registered online. Students will be able to access their 22-23 schedule online via student portal starting on August 11th. 

In-Person Registration-

Merrill’s in-person registration will be Thursday, August 11th, from 11:00-6:00pm or Friday, August 12th, from 9:00-4:00pm. Student schedules will be handed out during in-person registration. 

The school supply list for this upcoming school year can be found on the Merrill website or through this link- Merrill 22-23 School Supply List

If you have any registration questions, please contact Alex Gutierrez, agutie3@dpsk12.net, or Rian Anaya, rian_anaya@dpsk12.net. We look forward to a great school year!


Merrill Middle Leadership Team
