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Posted April 26, 2022
Hello Merrill Families,
We are looking forward to the 2022-2023 school year. Our current 6th and 7th-grade students will be selecting their Elective and Enrichment classes next Thursday, 4/28, during Advisement, via google forms. We will provide students with an opportunity to review all of the offerings for next year and talk to teachers if they have any questions on Tuesday, 4/26. Students will bring home a paper that has their top choices for next year on 4/26. We encourage you to talk with your students about what they are interested in for Electives and Enrichments and together fill out their paper form. At Merrill, we use student voice and choice to drive our scheduling. It is important that students provide their top 5 choices for Electives and top 7 choices for Enrichments to ensure a schedule that they are excited about for the 22-23 school year. Below are the offerings for the next school year.
Merrill Leadership