Wishing you all a happy winter break from December 22nd to January 6th. Students will return to Merrill on January 7th.

Celebrating our 8th Graders!

Posted May 15, 2020

8th grade parents and families!!  Mark your Calendars.  Wednesday, May 27thwe are having a car parade for our continuating 8th grade students.  What is a car parade??  Get in your car with your family and come to Merrill where teachers and school leaders will be waiting to wave to students in congratulations of successfully completing their 8th grade year.  You will have to stay in your car and we will need to adhere to all social distancing guidelines including wearing masks and staying 6 feet apart.  We have  a special treat for students so please be sure to swing by Merrill’s main entrance on Monroe to collect it.

Personal Item retrieval will take place after that.