Wishing you all a happy winter break from December 22nd to January 6th. Students will return to Merrill on January 7th.

Giving Campaign Update

Posted February 6, 2020

Merrill Annual Giving Campaign
Well done Jaguars – Time to celebrate!! We raised $37,062* in our first Annual Merrill Giving Campaign!

Congratulations and THANK YOU to all the families who donated to the campaign.  Your generosity is incredible!  Our goal of $40,000 was a lofty goal and we nearly met it.  The funds raised will be used to benefit each and every student at Merrill.If you have not had a chance to donate yet, don’t fret!  –  you still can donate either at our giving website:   https://fundrazr.com/GivetoMerrill Or you can bring your cash or check donation into the Merrill Front office (made payable to Merrill PTSA)
If you have any questions regarding Merrill Giving Campaign, please contact: pammerscush@gmail.com
* Total includes all recurring payments and a few donations confirmed, but not received yet.